Close-up of a healthy green salad bowl with leafy greens and vegetables.

How Your Diet Affects Your Period: Foods for Cramps and Regular Cycles

Your diet plays a big role in how your body works, especially when it comes to your menstrual cycle. What you eat can affect everything from period cramps to the heaviness of your flow, and...
Woman sitting in a doctor's office preparing for her first pap smear test.

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Pap Smear Test

Going for your first pap smear test (also known as a smear test or cervical screening test) can feel a bit intimidating if you don’t know what to expect. But knowing why it's important, how...
Woman holding abdomen with menstrual cycle calendar, representing period changes.

What Can Change Your Period? Common Reasons for Menstrual Cycle Changes

Your period is an important part of your monthly routine, but it doesn’t always stay the same. You might notice your cycle length changes, your flow gets heavier or lighter, or your usual symptoms become...
Close-up of two women wearing period pants, showcasing the comfort and style of menstrual underwear.

How Do Period Pants Work? A Detailed Guide to Menstrual Underwear

At fluxies, we're passionate about making your period as stress-free as possible with our innovative period pants. Whether you're hearing about period underwear for the first time or just curious about how they work, this guide is perfect for...
Close-up of a hand holding a tampon applicator, showing the product clearly.

Period Myths Debunked: What You Thought You Knew About Menstruation

Menstruation is a natural part of life for many people, but there are lots of myths about periods. Let’s clear up these myths and learn the facts about periods. Myth 1: Periods Are Dirty and Should Be Hidden...
Smiling Girl Carrying a Backpack

Back to School Essentials for Teens: A Parent's Guide

As the summer holidays draw to a close, the countdown to the new school year begins. For parents, this time of year can be both exciting and a little daunting. Ensuring that your teenager is...
Healthy foods for managing PCOS, including fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Best Diet Tips for Managing PCOS: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Starting your journey with PCOS may seem overwhelming, but finding the right diet can boost your health and help balance your hormones. Figuring out how to use food to tackle PCOS symptoms is empowering—it puts...
Person confidently exercising on a yoga mat during their period with leakproof underwear.

How To Maintain a Fitness Routine and Stay Active During Your Period

Lots of people feel less like exercising when they have their period. Cramps, feeling bloated, and worrying about leaks can make it tough to stick to your gym routine. But guess what? Working out during...
Woman relaxing in a bubble bath with a calm expression on her face. Her feet are playfully sticking out of the tub.

DIY Spa Day: Period Pampering for Queens

Let's be honest – periods can sometimes feel like a bit of a downer. Cramps, bloating, mood swings – not exactly a recipe for feeling fabulous.  This guide is all about creating your very own DIY spa...